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you will never take my sky
In the year 4,000 Earth had progressed to feats beyond human imagination; then, before the end of the millennia, both society and progress came to a crashing halt. The rise and fall of humanity can be blamed on a substance called aether, a mysterious element that allowed humans to make their wildest technological dreams come true. Aether was a clean and abundant resource. However, like most resources aether had its limit. When aether was beginning to grow scarce, mining and harvesting it became a frantic international hunt. The search for aether took its toll on the environment. The excessive mining eventually triggered a series of earthquakes that in turn set off multiple tsunamis. Human civilization became buried in rubble, trash, and ocean until one continent – a fragment of Eurasia – was left standing.
09.08.2015 Work has begun on the new skin for The Blue. All y'all can wait in line, ok? I need to find something to fill up this here text. Let's see, what can I use? Pickles. APples. Bananas. Fuck my grammar is going to be terrible. AS is my spelling. Lol no spellcheck / grammar check ahahaha. wtf okay I need some long words. international. earthquake. millennia. zarathustra. wat wat wat wat. supercalifragelist--lolican'tfuckingspellthatwhat. I DON'T UNDERSTAND JUST GET TO THE BOTTOM SO THAT I CAN USE YOU AS REFERENCE FOR HOW HIGH YOU CAN MAKE THE UPDATES IN-- there we go.
the blue was made by pascaline. skin made by sifr of wicked wonderland, with help from assorted codes and images from zerochan. all content belongs to their proper owners. |